When: March 2, 1986
Where: Kyoto Hotel, San Francisco
And: The first time I met Fine Young Cannibals (aka FYC), they were a young band on their first tour. I had liked their music ever since I heard “Johnny Come Home,” so of course wanted to meet the guys. Lead singer Roland Gift was quite nice, but David Steele and Andy Cox — whose work in the (English) Beat I had loved — proved to be, shall we say, a little less enthusiastic. Still, they signed my album cover and posed for a couple photos for me and one other small group of kids who had tracked them down.
Andy Cox & David Steele
David Steele, me, Andy Cox
Roland Gift & me
And for more from this artist…
One Response
Wow, you are lucky having the chance to meet Roland Gift. He is so talented and was really,really handsome. I “love” him. Congratulations.