Meeting Crowded House

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When: February 21 and April 9, 1987

Where: The Berkeley Square, Berkeley, California & Wolfgang’s, San Francisco

And: My friends and I were lucky enough to spend a lot of time seeing the band. In addition to the actual concerts themselves, we also caught soundchecks, hung out after the show, went to a local radio station appearance, got to ride on their bus — and even took Paul shopping in the Haight district! They were all really nice, very talented, and I still consider their stage shows as of the best (and most fun) I’ve seen.


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Crowded House


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4 Responses

  1. I was at both shows. During the Berkley shows my friend was asked up on stage and Hester pulled off her show while she sat their. I think they sang to her – does anyone remember?

    I was able to get back stage at the Berkeley gig due to me being a Kiwi. Had a drink with all the boys plus Colin Hay from Men at Work who was there as well. We then followed them back to their hotel (I think it was in Union Sq and could have been the Fairmont) and my friend (the girl they pulled up on stage) stayed the night.

    Wolfgang show was classic as well. I recall Hester coming back on the stage after an encore – lights had gone on, but they had not finished – saying that they were back stage counting the money and about to go back out and get some more when the lights came on (he was having a joke). Great stuff!

    Highlights again were Massive, When You Come, Recurring Dream.

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